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We're tired of social media, but we're giving Threads a try

We're tired of social media, but we're giving Threads a try

The main topic in our offices last week was certainly Threads. As soon as we found out that Matt's version of Twitter was live, we grabbed our phones to see exactly what it was all about. 

Apparently, we weren't the only ones, as the media is already reporting that Threads has become the fastest-growing app in history, and yes, it even surpassed ChatGPT! In case you're still resisting the trend because you're not that curious, Threads is basically Instagram's version of Twitter. It may guarantee us less Elon Musk, but it brings us more Mark Zuckerberg. 

Honestly, we still don't know who we are targeting anymore. Basically, if we ignore the concept and the idea of the network, which is why some people don't like it at the start, another problem is reflected in the fact that the Threads profile is linked to the user's Instagram profile, which means that it is impossible to turn it off without turning off your Instagram profile as well. 

However, as Instagram CEO Adam Moseri recently pointed out, intensive work is being done to separate the profiles so that we still have the freedom to withdraw if we regret having stepped into that community in the first place. 

Unlike Twitter, Threads allows up to 500 characters per post, and posts can include links, photos, and videos up to 5 minutes long. Needless to say, Threads bore an uncanny resemblance to Instagram in its early days, as users continued to post their photos, only on a different social network. Well, it's the Instagram audience after all. 

A while ago, I wondered if we really needed another social network, thinking about Artifact, but now I'm still referring this question to the account of the new Twitter. It is realistic that new social networks will not stop appearing, especially with the trends and happenings in the digital market - if you want to stay in the game, you have to play by the rules. To a certain extent. 

However, the fact is that all this is already tiring us a bit. It's interesting at the beginning, the hype is too strong for us to remain immune, and the truth is that humans are naturally curious. However, while until now we had a problem with the amount of content, now we also have a problem with the number of applications that market that content. Download the new application. Scroll. Publish. Repeat. And so every time. 

Although there are users, albeit fewer and fewer, who still resist the TikTok "fever,"  the majority cannot remain immune to another "place" where they can spend their free time and stay up to date with events. But, day by day, post by post, we realize we can't do it anymore. 

Why not do a digital detox, you ask? FOMO is still stronger than the desire to rest our heads.  Then what? Well, perhaps the wisest conclusion is that, as with everything in life, the key is balance. It's OK to take a look at what's going on there, and if you like it, stay there, and if not, just say goodbye. 

I guess the point is that we use the applications, not vice versa.

Text written for the Marketing mreža website by: Nikola Jagodić, Digital BDM, smartpoint adria

Photo: Instagram / Threads

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