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7 Reasons Why Developing Emotional Intelligence in the Era of Artificial Intelligence Is So Important

7 Reasons Why Developing Emotional Intelligence in the Era of Artificial Intelligence Is So Important

Emotional intelligence is probably one of the least mentioned, if not the only omitted, aspects through which the increasingly rapid progress of artificial intelligence is observed. Why do we even connect these two types of intelligence? If we consider that emotional intelligence, among other things, implies understanding and managing our feelings, as well as the way we react and deal with the emotions of those around us, it is clear that its role in the story causes both fear and delight in equal measure, and how significant it is. Because, are we really emotionally ready for what we ourselves have created, probably not realizing its magnitude, and what, perhaps, threatens to overwhelm us? 

Most of us probably remember the period when the human brain was compared to a computer. Today, things are a little different. Today, the computer is compared to the human brain, and its progress is as fascinating as it is terrifying. Don't feel bad - fear of the unknown is normal. But precisely in order to know how to deal with it and all that new technology brings, we need to work on the development of emotional intelligence. Why is it important?

Building healthy and strong relationships with people 

If you watched "Her," you probably remember that the film is set in the year 2025 and talks about the emotional relationship between the main character Theodore (Joaquin Phoenix) and the operating system Samantha (Scarlett Johansson). Since the film premiered in 2013, we could hardly have imagined then that something like this would ever, in any way, be possible. However, now that we are almost one step away from 2025, and AI programs "cover" almost every area of our lives, we see that the movie has turned into reality. We should be aware of the fact that technology has both advanced and retarded communication and interpersonal relationships. Alienation is something that many people feel, especially those who remember the "good old days." In an age when all these technological possibilities make us feel confused and lost, it is more important than ever to cultivate sympathy, empathy, and compassion, to find and connect with other people, and to try to be better for ourselves and others. Artificial intelligence programs can talk to you, they can even produce an emotion, but remember that they are artificial. They still cannot understand the context, the person, and the situation to give you the right emotional support or help.

Creating leadership that connects and inspires 

If we already possess the knowledge and now have extremely advanced technology, what else could we lack? And still - humanity. As time passes, and people realize how artificial intelligence affects their lives, there will be a need for teams, but first of all, leaders who have a vision and know how to connect people, to motivate and inspire them to do great things. People will need real people who really listen, hear, and understand them, and it's hard for any of us to be like that unless we work on our emotional intelligence.

Fostering creativity in collaboration and problem-solving 

Yes, AI tools are there to make many tasks and responsibilities easier for us, but in the long run, relying on their solutions without too much thought or involvement will make us lazy and less interested in personally engaging and tackling the given problem. Still, nothing can replace the "creative chaos" in which the team members find themselves and the exchange of opinions and ideas by which they try to reach an appropriate conclusion. Artificial intelligence may be the beginning, but energy is key to the end of the process.

Differentiating feelings when interacting with AI vs. with a man 

Many years of experience living in the digital world have taught us that what we see on the Internet does not have to be even a fraction of reality, and now that artificial intelligence has gotten involved, it is difficult to distinguish between what is real and what is generated by AI. We will stick to this as well as everything before, but it is more important to realize the difference between communication with AI and communication with a human so that in the future, we can relate to everything that happens in a much wiser way.

Learning how to deal with emotions

Understanding and managing emotions is key to both offline and online life. In moments when everything seems too much for us, and reality overwhelms us, we often escape to the virtual world, seeking something simpler, something over which, at least seemingly, we have control. However, as much as it seems that in the future we can expect migration to virtual worlds, this real one will continue to exist, and perhaps more than ever, we will be expected to know how to deal with a "divided" life. Wherever and however we live and work, both today and in the future, our feelings will play a key role in getting the best of both worlds.

Connecting with the inner voice

Although you may not believe in intuition, you must have known deep down whether something was good or bad for you. The inner voice, the intelligence that lies beyond the rational, is real and just as relevant to decision-making - just like the head and the heart. Life in a technologically advanced world can seem surreal in some situations, but if we manage to follow our feelings, we will know how to move through it in the most painless way.

Maintaining mental, physical, and emotional health and managing stress

The progress of technology is actually quite paradoxical - there are numerous tools that help us organize ourselves better and optimize our time so that we can devote ourselves. And yet - how much do we really do it? Developing emotional intelligence helps us to understand ourselves and our needs and to satisfy them adequately. When we gain independence from the digital world, we not only determine to what extent it can affect us but also become aware of what we need in between. It is in the nature of most of us to constantly strive for more and better, even when we are satisfied with the point we have reached. It's the same with technology: whenever we achieve a set goal, we ask ourselves how far we can go, how close we are to creating what we watched as children in Sci-Fi movies, and how many chances we have to solve the greatest secrets of the universe with the help of our discoveries. Artificial intelligence will continue to develop, and that is the way to go. But we must not neglect emotional intelligence in the "right lane." It may be slower and easier to threaten, but it has to be there. Only in this way will our path to the future be safe.

Text written for the BIZLife website by: Ivana Tomić, smartpoint adria Brand Specialist

Photo: Unsplash

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